

I bought Uiro at Nagoya station.


I went to Nagoya.

I ate Hell noodle with negi

I ate "Hell" noodle with negi. In this context Hell means hot and spicy.

Raining and cold

It's bad weather. Cold and chilly.

Soy sauce chaofan

I ate soy sauce chaofan at a Chinese restaurant near my room.

Huntsman spider

The huntsman spiders is good especially for the people who live in a house reached exists.


I bought toyama black cider.

zanthoxylum fruit

zanthoxylum fruit is also a good material for cooking.


Det regnar idag.

Electric Mandrin

This mandrin seems interesting. http://www.player.jp/musicradar/2014/04/8fender-mando-strat.html


It's good to use coconuts oil in cooking.

Manuka honey

I bought manuka honey.


I cleaned my room.

Fujinomiya Yakisoba

I ate Fujinomiya yakisoba. Fujinomiya city is famous for that cuisine. But today, I didn't go there. I ate that in a izakaya bar near my room.


I went to gyukatsu restaurant in Kichijoji.


Tendon stands for tempura and donburi, which is a bowl of rice. Today I went to a restaurant where I could ate tendon.

Ear phone

My ear phone for mp3 player was broken. So I use another one.


I went to brazilian restaurant.


I went to a minaral show.

Plum flower

I can see plum flower from my room's window.


I used e-tax. In the process, I couldn't send data to the server. That cause was Java's version was not latest.

White shrimp

I ate white shrimp potato chips.


I found chrysopidae on my room's door.


It's raining and a little chilly.


I went to yakitori restaurant in Shinagawa.


I went to Yakiton bar. Yakiton means baked pork.

Battery for smartphone

I use a battery for smartphone, Android. It can contain 3 times of charges and so convenient. Last year I went to Russia, then it was so useful because electric consent differed from Japanese one.

Rice in squid

I bought a Japanese food called ikameshi, which means squid rice. How to cook is putting rice into squid body and boil it. Usually rice is for mochi.


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I went to Sayama in Saitama prefecture. And I skied near stadium.