
Mänskligheten är ...

Jag tror att det finns ingen som lär dig hur du kan tjäna pengar lätt. Mänskligheten är inte så snäll.


I did golf today. It's not real one though. It was golf simulation.


I registered github.

Mabo noodle

I ate mabo noodle, which was so spicy but tasty. Chinese beer was also tasty.


I ate yakiniku at shokuniku center in Ueno.


I updated my driver's license at Koto-license examination place.

Det Var Varm Dag

Det var varm dag. Jag hatar kallt väder. Och det var så bra. Jag önskar sommaren kommer snart.


I need to update my driver's license.


I ate yakitoiri at a bar in KIchijoji.

Niboshi taste noodle

I ate tsukemen, people usually ate noodle soak in soup. That soup was niboshi taste. Niboshi is dried fish and used in many Japanese cuisine.


I ate fried tune with beer taste.

Dagashi shop

I found a Dagashiya, which means a snack shops which sell cheap ones. So I bought some of its products.

toyama black

I also saw a kind of ramen called Toyama black at Kichijoji. Its soup is based on soy source.


I bought saba zushi at Tokyu store in kichijoji.


I went fish bar and went to a bar where wine is tasty.

Canned bread

I found a bender machine, that sell canned bread. It's good for emergency food.

「Windows 10」、予約しなくても約6GBのファイルを自動ダウンロード(回避方法あり)

参考まで http://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/1509/12/news017.html


People may say that it's still Wednesday. But I rather say that it's already Wednesday. What's the difference?

Sake Bar

I went Sake bar in Kichijoji. That's usually famous but today's Tuesday and the former part of this week and not so crowded.

Oil noodle

I went to Abura Soba shop, which means oil noodle shop. That was in Kichijoji and despite of that name, it was not so oily. And it was so tasty.

Yakitori bar

I wanted to go a yakitori bar in Kichijoji. But that bar is always crowded, filled with people. So I thought a strategy: On Monday, many people tend to feel they don't want to go out and drink. That's why it's good opportunity to go there …

The Ant and the Grasshopper

There's a tale named The Ant and the Grasshopper. In that story, ant is treated as winner and recommend working hard is good thing or that kind of things. But in the real world, grasshopper dominates ant. Smart grasshopper uses some of con…

Italian restaurant

I went to Italian restaurant in Okachimachi, it's name was popo la mama. I ate sea urchin and sermon eggs pasta.

star wars

i bought a star wars book. it's script was written both japanese and english.

Saburo ramen

I went to Saburo, which is ramen shop in Kichijoji.


Yesterday, we went to yakiniku restaurant named as Futago near Kanda Station. Big karubi was good.


I like Killimanjaro coffee. Today, also , I went to a coffee shop in front of Ogikubo Station,Tokyo and drunk it. Though it's a kind of coffee, it's not so bitter. Rather it tastes like fruits.


Weather forecast said it'll snowing, bu for now it's not snowing. But it's okay because I don't like that :)


JT、たばこ値上げへ http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASJ1Q5G6CJ1QULFA028.html

People who criticize bad person

There're many people who criticize other, who did so called bad things. Especially in the case bad person are people in entertainment business. Maybe people who criticize other bad people think it's good opportunity to show themselves as g…