
Sake Bar

I went Sake bar in Kichijoji. That's usually famous but today's Tuesday and the former part of this week and not so crowded.

Oil noodle

I went to Abura Soba shop, which means oil noodle shop. That was in Kichijoji and despite of that name, it was not so oily. And it was so tasty.

Yakitori bar

I wanted to go a yakitori bar in Kichijoji. But that bar is always crowded, filled with people. So I thought a strategy: On Monday, many people tend to feel they don't want to go out and drink. That's why it's good opportunity to go there …

The Ant and the Grasshopper

There's a tale named The Ant and the Grasshopper. In that story, ant is treated as winner and recommend working hard is good thing or that kind of things. But in the real world, grasshopper dominates ant. Smart grasshopper uses some of con…